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Oportunidades de Financiamento

Supporting Research in Health Disparities

The Alzheimer’s Association recognizes the importance of supporting research to understand and address diversity, equity, and inclusion in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADRD).

The purpose of this funding program is to support research to study the incidence, etiology, and underlying pathology, diagnostic and treatment challenges, clinical presentation, healthcare access and behavior, health outcomes, and/or disease burden of AD/ADRD in minoritized and disproportionately affected populations, who are underrepresented in AD/ADRD research.

In general, scientists and clinicians from public, and private research laboratories, medical centers, non-profit research institutes, hospitals, and universities from around the world are eligible to apply.

The Alzheimer’s Association anticipates funding up to 8 proposals. Each award is limited to USD$240,000 total funding (direct and indirect costs) over a period of up to two years (minimum of 18 months).

Overlapping funding of more than one Alzheimer’s Association grant is not allowed. Investigators who currently have an active Association grant may apply for this program if the projects are distinctly different.

The Letter of Intent and application must be received by January 9, 2024.

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