The Dean of Research – Espaço da Escrita
Academic Skills Workshop:
from research project to scientific article
Summary: this workshop aims to develop skills for writing scientific initiation, masters or doctoral projects. The workshop will be held in two stages and over two days, consisting of the presentation of theoretical content and the development of practical activities. Topics such as: i) general structure of a research project; ii) project analysis process; iii) writing strategies; iv) submission of the project. Finally, it will be presented, in general lines, how is the publication process of a scientific article.
Target audience: students from any undergraduate course who are interested in writing scientific projects
Lecturer: Prof. doctor Marcelo Bishop of Jesus.
Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Tissue Biology at the Institute of Biology at Unicamp. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 2:
Date: September 10th and 11th, 2019
Location: Extension Rooms, Faculty of Food Engineering/Unicamp
Hours: 10/09 (9am-12pm; 14pm-16pm), 11/09 (9am-12pm)
registrations closed
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Questions or information:
Phone: (19) 3521 6649