The Dean of Research – Espaço da Escrita
Workshop: “Tips and tricks for writing a review article”
Summary: Review articles summarize and critically analyze the current state of understanding on a topic, and writing a review article differs substantially from writing a conventional scientific article. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss specific aspects and characteristics of this type of publication in order to write a successful review article. In this workshop, which will be developed in two parts and in two days, we will address: i) basic aspects of the scientific writing process; ii) structure and organization of a review article; iii) organization and writing strategies for a review article; vi) online tools to aid in the process of writing review articles; v) introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis.
Target audience: researchers from graduate school
Prof. doctor Marcelo Bishop of Jesus.
Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Tissue Biology at the Institute of Biology at Unicamp. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 2:
Prof. Dr. Amanda Sardeli
Graduated in Physical Education, Master and PhD in Gerontology from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp, with a sandwich doctorate at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. She currently consults and teaches meta-analysis courses in the field of Health:
Date: September 17th and 18th, 2019
Location: Extension Rooms, Faculty of Food Engineering/Unicamp
Hours: 17/09 (9am-12pm; 14pm-16pm), 18/09 (9am-12pm)
Registration closed.
Jobs by: 60
Questions or information:
Phone: (19) 3521 6649