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Funding Opportunities

CNPq – Brazilian Antarctic Program – PROANTAR

Call aims to respond to the Antarctic Science Program for Brazil, which aims to develop research of excellence on the Antarctic region and its connections with the Atlantic Ocean and South America

The call will support scientific, technological and innovation research projects, multi and interdisciplinary and multi-institutional, with incentive to international cooperation, within the scope of the Brazilian Antarctic Program - PROANTAR, which aim to contribute significantly to the quality of Brazilian scientific production, to the generation of scientific, technological and innovation knowledge related to Antarctica.

Projects should be included in the following lines of research: Line 1 – Cryosphere, atmospheric dynamics and climate change; Line 2 – Antarctic Biodiversity; Line 3 – Geodynamics, Ocean Chemistry and Marine Pollution; Line 4 – Human and Social Sciences, and Polar Health; Line 5 – Emerging Research Group Projects and Line 6 – Public Communication.

The maximum funding amount varies according to the line of research and proposals must be sent by 28 July.

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