The objective of the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC) is to provide undergraduate students with learning the scientific method and techniques in their area of expertise through the development of a research project, under the guidance of a research professor from Unicamp , granting grants worth R$ 700,00/month for a period of up to 12 (twelve) months.
A Scientific Initiation project involves basic research or applied research, using the scientific method to produce knowledge, with or without a practical objective.
Check below the scholarships in force and see available publications.
Process Steps
660 bags
40 bags
244 bags
35 bags
10 bags
10 bags
Project Application
In the 1st stage of registration, the student must select the option “Scientific Initiation” to apply for PIBIC/CNPq, Pesquisa SAE/Unicamp and Dow scholarships.
Important: Teachers and researchers (Pq career), active and with a Unicamp employment relationship, or voluntary collaborating professors/researchers (only retired Unicamp professors) may act as advisors.
In the 2nd stage of registration, the research project must be a PDF file with a maximum of 8 pages containing:
- Summary
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Methods
- Schedule of activities
- References
- In the case of an external student (another institution), the academic record must be attached at the end of the project.
The registration of the student's and advisor's Lattes CVs are mandatory to submit the application.
Dow Unlimited Fellowship Program
Through the sponsorship of the company Dow Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Químicos Ltda, 10 (ten) scholarships will be awarded to students who have fully attended PROFIS and who are regularly enrolled in Unicamp's undergraduate courses, in any area.
For this, this option must be chosen when registering the student.
Students not covered will automatically compete for PIBIC/CNPq and Research/SAE scholarships.
Dow CRIE Scholarship Program (Science, Representativeness, Inclusion and Experience)
Through sponsorship from the company Dow Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Químicos Ltda, 10 (ten) scholarships will be awarded to self-declared black and brown students, upon entry into undergraduate studies, in the following courses: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Biological Sciences, Degree in Biological Sciences, Food Engineering, Integrated Degree in Chemistry/Physics and Agricultural Engineering.
All PIBIC registrants who meet the criteria established above will compete in this modality.
Students not covered will automatically compete for PIBIC/CNPq and Research/SAE scholarships.