
The CAF program is aimed at high school students from public schools linked to the East and West Education Directorates (Campinas, Jaguariúna, Valinhos and Vinhedo), Limeira and Piracicaba.

The program lasts 1 month and takes place in January, during school holidays.

CAF enables high school students to participate in short research projects and participate in workshops (practical and group activities) in different areas of knowledge.

Students interested in participating in PIBIC-EM must seek the direction of their school. The school is responsible for selecting students and enrolling them in the program.

Student support

The Pro-Rectory of Research will grant students participating in CAF:

  • Use of the University Restaurant for lunch;
  • Use of bus (chartered) in Campinas, if there is line availability;
  • Transportation Assistance in the amount of R$200,00 (two hundred reais) only for students not served by the Unicamp Administrative Charter, to be paid in the second week of the program;
  • Access to medical and dental care services at Unicamp's Community Health Center (CECOM), in cases of emergency;
  • Personal accident insurance; and
  • Certificate of participation for graduates.

Student requirements and commitments

  • Be nominated and be regularly enrolled in any year of high school in a public school;
  • Have full availability during the period of the program;
  • Comply with all the programming established by the program with maximum commitment and interest;
  • Observe and obey Unicamp's internal rules;
  • Wear the program identification badge and t-shirt every day;
  • Submit the participation authorization, signed by the person responsible, in the first days of the program; and
  • Not participating in the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships for High School (PIBIC-EM).