
The CAF program is aimed at high school students from public schools linked to the East and West Education Directorates (Campinas, Jaguariúna, Valinhos and Vinhedo), Limeira and Piracicaba.

The program lasts 1 month and takes place in January, during school holidays.

CAF enables high school students to participate in short research projects and participate in workshops (practical and group activities) in different areas of knowledge.

The selection and enrollment, already in ranking order, of students interested in participating in CAF must be carried out exclusively by the schools.

Student enrollment and ranking

  • Students must be enrolled according to the sorting order established by the school, based on the analysis of school transcripts.
  • The first student to be enrolled should be ranked first, and so on.
  • Each school may enroll up to 6 (six) students.
  • When filling out the registration form, it will be mandatory to attach (PDF file) the candidate's primary or secondary school transcript.
  • It is mandatory to inform the student's and mother's CPF number and the student's ID when registering.
  • Students regularly enrolled in secondary education from all public schools linked to the East and West Education Directorates (Campinas, Valinhos, Vinhedo and Jaguariúna) and the Education Directorates of Limeira and Piracicaba may participate in CAF.
  • Enrolled students must be available to participate, full-time, in all program activities to be offered during the month of January.
  • Students with a current employment relationship during the course of the program cannot be enrolled.
  • Students with school attendance of less than 80% cannot be enrolled.
  • Students who already participate in the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships for High School (PIBIC-EM) cannot be enrolled.

Definition of participating students

The number of students from each school who will participate in CAF will be determined by the total number of students who will participate in the program, established by the Dean of Research at Unicamp, according to the availability of grants and awarded projects.

The first call for approved students will be published on this website, according to the program's calendar.

Participating students under the age of 18, considered the start date of the activities, must present authorization from those responsible, whose form will be provided upon confirmation of participation.

Students not called in the first call will be placed on a waiting list and, in case of withdrawal or dismissal, may be called in the following calls, if any.

Student support

The Pro-Rectory of Research will grant students participating in CAF:

  • Use of the University Restaurant for lunch;
  • Use of bus (chartered) in Campinas, if there is line availability;
  • Transportation Assistance in the amount of R$200,00 (two hundred reais) only for students not served by the Unicamp Administrative Charter, to be paid in the second week of the program;
  • Access to medical and dental care services at Unicamp's Community Health Center (CECOM), in cases of emergency;
  • Personal accident insurance; and
  • Certificate of participation for graduates.