
Projects for CAF 2025 may be submitted during the September 27 to October 24, 2024, exclusively through an electronic form, observing the following guidelines:

Active professors with an employment relationship with Unicamp, in addition to PQ career researchers and Professors/Researchers Volunteer Collaborators (only retired Unicamp professors) may act as advisors.

Interested parties may submit a research project or a group project (workshop) by filling out the electronic form FAEPEXvia Special Notices

Fields to be filled in at the time of submission:

  • Complementarity – only fill in the “Other” field with the term “Not applicable”;
  • Leak – inform the area and 3 keywords;
  • Project – Title, Start (08/01/2025), End (29/01/2025), Summary/objective of the project, Relevance of the proposal, Participants involved and Expected impacts;
  • Get a quote – description and total value of consumable materials and third-party/stock services that will be used in the project. Permanent materials and foodstuffs will not be financed;
  • Documents – attach only the CAF Supplementary Information file, in PDF, filled in by the responsible applicant. Mandatory document. Click on the icon next to download.


  • Research project: aims to receive at least 4 (four) students daily in the laboratories, during the program period, from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm, except on Wednesdays and Fridays to carry out a brief research project.
    • Dates of activities in the project: January 09, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 27 and 28, 2025; and on January 29, 2025, in the afternoon, when the Closing Ceremony and exhibition of projects will be held in the form of a poster session.
  • Group project (workshops): aims to welcome all CAF participants, divided into three groups of up to 50 students, to develop practical activities in Campinas (Campus – Barão Geraldo). Exactly the same activities must be offered on the three days of the workshop.
    • Morning (9:30 am to 12:30 pm):
      • Option 01: January 15th, January 01nd and January 22th, 01
      • Option 02: January 10th, January 01nd and January 17th, 01
    • Afternoon (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm):
      • Option 03: January 08th, January 01nd and January 15th, 01
      • Option 04: January 10th, January 01nd and January 17th, 01

In either format, the involvement of undergraduate and graduate students as monitors is suggested.

Projects may be submitted by a group of professors, one of whom is responsible, allowing students participating in the program to have access to several laboratories, in addition to scheduling joint activities.

The participation of professors guiding scholarship holders of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships for High School - PIBIC-EM is encouraged, thus providing interaction between students participating in both programs.

Selection of projects

The selection of projects will be carried out by the CAF 2025 Judging Committee, made up of members of the PRP and professors belonging to different areas of knowledge, taking into account the suitability and merit of the proposals.

In the comparative analysis of the proposals received, the following criteria will be considered: quality and consistency of the proposal, feasibility of implementing the proposal (timetable, material used, etc.), expected impacts, applicant's curriculum, methodology to be used, and mainly the interest that the project may arouse in high school students.

The number of projects to be selected will be defined annually by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research, considering the number of participating students and the period of the program.

Financial support

The Dean of Research, through FAEPEX, will grant supervisors financial support in the amount of R$4.000,00 (four thousand reais) for proposals for group projects (workshops), exclusively under the category of National Consumable Material or Service Provision.

Part of the resources allocated to the contemplated projects may be granted through a FAPESP amendment, in cases where the professor or researcher in charge has a Regular, Thematic or CEPID Aid project in force, and the project data must be informed when submitting the proposal.

The resources granted by FAPESP amendment must comply with the norms of use defined by the Development Agency.

The resources made available must be used exclusively in CAF 2025, until 28/02/2025., for the purchase of consumables and payment for services necessary for the development of the activities foreseen in the contemplated projects, as well as for the payment of monitors, who must be students regularly enrolled at Unicamp.

To request a scholarship from the monitors, the supervisor in charge must complete a specific form for payment of the FAEPEX scholarship, available at the Espaço do Executor of the FUNCAMP.