The documents listed below are eventually required for submitting proposals, signing concession contracts or establishing agreements:
- Unicamp Creation Law
- Unicamp's Statutes and General Regulations
- Unicamp Statutes (English version)
- Minutes of Inauguration or Act of Appointment of the Rector
- National Register of Legal Entities (Type CNPJ Unicamp 46.068.425/0001-33)
- Annual Budget Law - LOA
- Unicamp's Financial Statements
- Research and Statistical Yearbooks
- Innovation Policy
- PLANES – Strategic Planning
- FUNCAMP data
- Accreditation of Funcamp as a Support Foundation
- Funcamp Statute
- Funcamp Statute (English version)
- National Register of Legal Entities (Type CNPJ Funcamp 49.607.336/0001-06)
- Activities Report
To obtain the documents listed below, please send a justified request to:
UNICAMP Attorney General's Office, e-mail
- Rector's Identity Card and CPF
- Negative certificates or certificates of regularity with the Attorney General of the National Treasury, State Treasury Body and Municipal Treasury Body
- Declaration proving the exercise of full powers inherent to the ownership of Unicamp properties
- Unicamp tax immunity declaration
DGRH/Pagamento, email
- Clearance or regularity certificates with the Internal Revenue Service, Severance Indemnity Fund and INSS (CND)
DGA/Financial Execution, email
- Declaration of Financial Suitability