The Comcast Innovation Fund – Internet and connectivity
The fund provides grants to technologists, researchers, and academics to support Internet- and connectivity-focused projects within the fund's areas of interest: End User Application Quality, Wi-Fi Performance, Routing Security, Live Video Streaming, Edge Computing/Caching, Policy Issues, FCC Outage Reporting & E911/988 Reporting, Quantum Computing-Related Cybersecurity and Privacy and Wireless & Mobility. Grant funds are available globally to researchers both within and outside the US Funding is done annually starting in January and continues until the year's fund is exhausted. Submit the pre-qualification form.
FAPESP – Public Call for Proposals nexBio Amazônia – various areas
The nexBio Amazonia program invites researchers from Brazilian and Swiss institutions to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to address key challenges facing the Amazon region. The program encourages research into technologies, methods or products that can bring significant and lasting changes to local industries and ecosystems. Potential areas include: Biodiversity, Food Systems, Climate Change and Social Sciences and Economics. Program partners will fully cover travel and accommodation costs. Subscriptions to February 14, 2025.
Food BaySP Workshop – Adding value to agroindustrial by products
The Food BaySP workshop will be an opportunity for researchers from the states of Bavaria (Germany) and São Paulo to discuss key topics related to adding value to agro-industrial by-products focused on the food industry, including exploration of different sources, characterization and functionality of ingredients, development of products and processes for obtaining ingredients from different agro-industrial by-products, among others. The event, free and in person, will be held between the days 11 and 13 March 2025, and on Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA) at UNICAMP. The registrations and submissions are open until the day February 14, 2025.
FAPESP – Practicing Science – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
The call for proposals provides for the granting of Scientific Initiation Scholarships to undergraduate students for the development of teaching materials and/or teaching-learning strategies in specific topics for High School in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Applications must be submitted by a Researcher Responsible for a Research Grant currently in effect at FAPESP, who must indicate a group of three to four undergraduate students. Approved proposals will receive financial aid of up to R$150. Submission to February 16, 2025.
CNPq Call 43/2024 – Joint research projects between Brazil and Argentina – various areas
The call will support up to 10 joint research projects between Brazilian and Argentinean groups in the following areas: Biotechnology, Bioeconomy, Forest Sciences, Marine Sciences, Environment, Energy Transition, Nanotechnology, Digital Transformation, “One Health” and Human and Social Sciences. Each project may request up to R$200 in grants in the Technological Development and Innovation Abroad modalities, for both Junior (DEJ) and Senior (DES) researchers, lasting from 1 to 12 months. Submission to March 14 of 2025.
FMSH – DEA Program 2025 – International mobility program – social sciences and humanities
It will make it possible to invite foreign scientists from all continents for a period of four to six weeks in order to support their work in the field of social sciences and humanities in France, as well as the creation of international research networks and contacts with local researchers. Mobilities to all research centers in France are eligible. The program is intended exclusively for holders of university professorships or equivalent positions in higher education and research institutions. Deadline for application: March 21, 2025.
SERI/ University of St.Gallen – Scientific and Community Outreach 2025
This grant aims to facilitate the dissemination of project results to diverse audiences, including the public, scientific communities, and relevant stakeholders. This call is an essential tool for amplifying the value of previous research projects and demonstrating their relevance in real-world contexts. Researchers of all disciplines are invited to apply. Each proposal must have one main applicant based in Switzerland who was previously awarded a Leading House for the Latin American Region grant. Deadline for submission: March 30, 2025.
The program offers 10 postdoctoral scholarships in Spanish universities, lasting between 1 and 3 months, in the period of September 1, 2025 to July 31, 2026. Main requirements: hold a doctorate degree, present a letter of invitation from a Spanish university of the Group (Consult here) and meet the criteria of academic excellence. Registrations to April 1th 2025.
AUIP – Mobility Scholarship Program between Andalusian and Iberoamerican Universities 2025
The purpose of these scholarships es promote proposals that help Iberoamerican university cooperation in postgraduate in any area of knowledge, as well as facilitating the realization of academic projects and meetings, which contribute to greater collaboration between institutions. The stay of teachers and researchers cannot be less than 20 days or more than 11 months. The cover covers the international transfer for an amount of 1.400 euros. For stays starting between the 1st of July and the 30th of November 2025, requests applications until 24 April 2025.
The fundamental purpose of these gowns It is to promote proposals that help Iberoamerican university cooperation in postgraduate studies, as well as to facilitate the implementation of projects, academic institutions that contribute to a more effective collaboration between institutions. The stay of teachers and researchers cannot be less than 20 days or more than 11 months. The aid covers, solely and exclusively, international travel for a maximum amount of 1.200 euros. For seasons that begin between July 1st and November 30th, 2025, the convocation will open April 29th 2025.
SERI/ University of St.Gallen – Research Partnership Grant 2025
The Research Partnership Grant (RPG) aims to strengthen or initiate a scientific exchange between Swiss and Latin American researchers and institutions by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organize meetings, conferences, or workshops. Researchers of all disciplines are invited to apply. Sign up for the Info Session on March 12, 2025. Deadline for submission: April 30, 2025.
CNPq Call 49/2024 – Scholarships in the Country – Post-Doctorate/Researcher/Sandwich Doctorate
The call will support research projects through the granting of scholarships in the country, in all areas of knowledge, in the following modalities: Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship – PDJ, Business Postdoctoral Fellowship – PDI, Special Visiting Researcher – PVE, Visiting Researcher – PV, Business Sandwich Doctorate – SWI and Sandwich Doctorate in the Country – SWP. The scholarships must be implemented between 01/12/2025 and 15/06/2026. Proposals for scholarships in the PDJ and PDI modalities must be submitted by the scholarship candidate. Proposals for scholarships in the PV, PVE, SWP and SWI modalities must be submitted by the host, supervisor or advisor at the home institution. Submission to 30 April 2025.
The Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) - Training Scholarship
The scholarship grants the visiting scholar an observational role in an SIU-Accredited Training Center. Urologists from the developing world who have earned their MD degree in the last 10 years are eligible to apply. The program offers scholarships for surgeons for a 3- or 6-month period in an FSIU-recognized institute, with US$5,000 for a 6-month period and US$2,500 for a 3-month period. Submission open until May 31, 2025
Fulbright – U.S. Scholar Program – All Disciplines
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers opportunities to U.S. citizens. This award supports independent or collaborative research at Brazilian universities, research institutes and NGOs in exceptional cases. Candidates must designate a Brazilian accredited academic institution or research institute to serve as the Brazilian host institution to develop their project. The awards can be two, three, or four months long. Two-or four-month awards can be split into equal segments of 1+1 or 2+2 months. The Fulbright Scholar must take their award between July 1st, 2026, and September 30th, 2027. Application Deadline: September 15, 2025.
CAPES Announcement – Chair at the University of Bonn
The call for applications will select 1 scholarship holder in the Chair modality, who may nominate 1 Postdoctoral scholarship holder and 1 Sandwich Doctorate scholarship holder to promote collaboration in education and research between Germany and Brazil. The term of the chair will be between 6 and 12 months. The applicant must have obtained a doctorate degree at least 15 years ago and have at least 15 years of professional experience in his/her area of expertise. Call 03: Medicine, global health and immunology. Submission to October 31 from 2025.
CAPES Call for Applications – Chico Mendes Chair – University of Birmingham
The call will select 1 scholarship holder in the Chair modality, who may nominate 1 Postdoctoral scholarship holder and 1 Sandwich Doctorate scholarship holder, to promote collaboration in education and research between Brazilian universities and the University of Birmingham. The scholarships will be valid for between 6 and 12 months. The applicant must have obtained a doctorate degree at least 15 years ago and have at least 15 years of professional experience in his/her area of expertise. Call 03: Environmental Sciences, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Sustainability, Societies and Environment. Submission From August 1, 2025 until December 30, 2025.
CAPES Announcement – Tübingen Chair – Quantum Physics
The Call for Proposals will select 1 scholarship holder in the Chair modality, who may indicate 1 (one) Postdoctoral scholarship holder and 1 Sandwich Doctoral scholarship holder, to promote collaboration in education and research between Germany and Brazil. The scholarships will be valid for between 6 and 12 months. The applicant must have obtained a doctorate degree at least 15 years ago and have at least 15 years of professional experience in his/her area of expertise. Call 02 – 2025/2026: Geosciences. Thematic area: “Paleomagnetism and magnetic properties of sediments and rocks". Submission from August 08, 2025 until December 30, 2025.
CAPES Announcement – Rio Branco Chair King`s College London – Humanities
The Call for Proposals will select 1 scholarship holder in the Chair modality, who may nominate 1 Postdoctoral scholarship holder and 1 Sandwich Doctoral scholarship holder, to promote collaboration in education and research between England and Brazil. The scholarships will be valid for between 6 and 12 months. The applicant must have obtained a doctorate degree at least 15 years ago and have at least 15 years of professional experience in his/her area of expertise. Public Call 02 – 2025/2026: Brazilian International Relations; Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology of Brazil; Economic Policy; Sub-national Politics, Society and Political Participation in Brazil. Submission from August 01, 2025 until December 30, 2025.
Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award
This science award honors internationally recognized academics working in applied research abroad for their outstanding scientific achievements.