Edition approved by FAEPEX Deliberation 003/2024, of 20/03/2024.
The FAEPEX Manual aims to inform, guide and clarify the requirements and procedures necessary for requesting and reporting on the different aid granted by the Fund, as well as establishing the responsibilities and obligations of the professors and researchers assisted.
who can apply
under the terms of § 2 of article 8 of Resolution CONSU-A-024/2003 are able to make requests for support to FAEPEX, exclusively:
- Active teachers with an employment relationship with UNICAMP.
- PQ Career Members.
- Volunteer Collaborating Teachers (see standard).
- Research Collaborators Volunteers (see standard).
Submitting aid requests
The submission of the aid request to FAEPEX is carried out exclusively by the FAEPEX system (use the Google Chrome browser) using the same username/password as the Notes and Attendance Record – DAC (SISE).
Each teacher/researcher may submit only one request for the same event or object. Failure to comply with this guideline will result in the obligation to return all of the resources granted.
The budget must be detailed and justified.
Requests for assistance for students must be made exclusively by the supervisor, or co-supervisor when the supervisor is external to Unicamp.
Forms improperly completed or accompanied by incomplete documentation will be returned.
Processing period
The minimum period between submitting the request and receiving a response is 45 days from the moment the documentation is complete. However, in the case of “participation in a scientific event” or “fieldwork and technical visits” grants, it is advisable that the request is submitted 75 days in advance for a timely response.
When it is in the interest of the applicant that the processing and final evaluation be carried out before the end of the FAEPEX execution exercise, the request must be submitted by October 31st.
Deadline for submission of appeal
Appeals against denied or partially approved requests must be submitted within a period of up to 15 calendar days from the date of notification.
Deadline for signing the Grant Agreement
Applicants awarded with FAEPEX resources will have 30 days to sign the Term of Grant from the date of information of approval of the aid.
- Upon receiving aid, the applicant will sign a grant agreement in which they will undertake to be an advisor to FAEPEX, when requested.
- The final reports on the aid granted must be sent to PRP/FAEPEX within the stipulated deadline and in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Technical Report item for each type of request.
- The applicant who has their financial statements approved by FUNCAMP, their final report approved by the consultancy and approved by the Executive Committee will be considered suitable for new submissions. The applicant will not be able to take advantage of new concessions while pending issues persist.
- The aid is granted in the name of a professor/researcher at the University who will be, in a non-transferable manner, responsible for receiving the resources, reporting to FUNCAMP and forwarding the Final Report to FAEPEX within the stipulated deadline, even in cases where the beneficiary is a student.
- Expenses must be consistent with what was requested in the initial request.
Guidelines for Acquisitions and Reimbursements with FAEPEX Resources via FUNCAMP
All purchases and contracts for goods and services, including airline tickets, made with resources granted by FAEPEX, must be made through the FUNCAMP online system, strictly following all procedures established in the applicable legislation, available on the FUNCAMP portal: https://www.funcamp.unicamp.br/portal/Home/Publicacoes.
Em exceptional cases in which acquisitions are made with own resources, aiming at subsequent reimbursement, PRP/FAEPEX and FUNCAMP:
1. do not assume responsibility for the payment of any purchases made prior to the signing of the Grant Term or outside the established procedures;
2. are not responsible for paying any costs related to the cancellation of the trip or other associated unforeseen events;
3. determine that the interested party must resolve any issues relating to payments and any requests for refunds or reimbursements directly with the supplier.
Complementary character
FAEPEX is intended exclusively for teaching, research and extension projects, complementing aid already granted by other funding agencies or covering areas not normally served by them, in accordance with Article 10 of Deliberation CONSU-A-24/2003.
It is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate the complementarity of their request for support.
The following situations are recognized as complementary by FAEPEX:
- The applicant received part of the resources for their project from funding agencies, such as FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES, or other sources external to the university.
- The applicant has an ongoing research project, financed by national or international, public or private, funding agencies.
- The applicant has a good record of raising funds for research over the last 5 years (postgraduate and postdoctoral scholarships, except those from institutional quotas, such as those from CNPq, CAPES and PNPD).
- The applicant has a CNPq research grant at any level.
- Projects submitted to development agencies for the purpose of the request, but not yet contemplated, may be considered, but in any comparative analysis they will not have priority.
- In the case of Participation Assistance in Scientific Events, financial support from the congress/conference, the postgraduate program or other non-budgetary sources of the Unit may be considered as compensation. As this is the only demonstration of consideration, the request will have lower priority in any comparative analyses.
- In the case of support for travel by Unicamp's postgraduate programs or the Unit's extra-budgetary funds, it is necessary to present a document explicitly informing the amount and destination of the support granted.
- FAEPEX may also finance activities not covered by funding agencies and that contribute to Unicamp's teaching and research activities.
- Research projects funded by institutions external to Unicamp (universities, companies, etc.) must be duly regularized with the appropriate bodies at the University.
What is not considered complementarity by FAEPEX:
- The contribution of personal resources by the applicant will not be accepted as a demonstration of complementarity, under any circumstances.
- Resources coming from the bodies that make up the Unicamp Rectory (such as the Pro-Rectory of Research itself and its programs PIBIC, PIBIC-EM, CAF, CAFin or CAPAm, for example, as well as the other Pro-Rectories) will not be considered as complementarities. ).
- Service provision contracts, consultancies and extension courses will not be accepted as compensation, except for Assistance for Participation in a Scientific Event.