Search Line

The Research Line offers different types of assistance in a continuous flow throughout the year.

The annual quota granted by FAEPEX is not cumulative. Resources not fully used by October 31 of each year will be considered lost and cannot be transferred to the subsequent fiscal year. In November, a new quota will be made available, in accordance with the conditions established in the current regulations.

To find out the value of each aid, consult the Value Table.

Assistance for Participating in a Scientific Event

Intended for the payment of tickets, daily allowances and registration fees for participation in face-to-face, non-face-to-face or hybrid scientific meetings, for the presentation of work, lectures, moderation and event organization. Aid for events held by civil society bodies and public bodies related to the applicant's research object may be included, with due description and justification.

Other types of trips and field research must be requested under the Research Assistance modality.

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Assistance for Participation in Scientific Events.
  •  Event schedule.
  • Invitation Letter or Letter of acceptance of the work to be presented. If the applicant has not yet received acceptance of the work when submitting the request, he or she may later forward it to PRP/FAEPEX.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.
  • Curricular Summary and Analytical School Record updated when students participate. Requests for student assistance must be made exclusively by the advisor.
  • Summary of the work to be presented.
  • Clarifications about the complementary nature of the request (see About the Complementary Character of FAEPEX Support), or justification for not requesting assistance, with the same purpose, from other funding bodies.
  • Grant Term of the corresponding project when FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES projects, among others, are indicated as counterpart


  • Requests for Assistance for Participation in a Scientific Event must be sent at least 45 days in advance of the start date of the event. Requests made without such advance notice will be returned without analysis of merit. Exceptional situations may be analyzed upon justification, but the processing time will be the same.
  • In the case of applicants with monitoring needs, assistance may be requested for the caregiver with due justification.
  • In cases of co-authorship of work, travel for participation in events by only one of the authors will be supported. The exception will be for works in which the authors are supervisors and supervisees.
  • Only students regularly enrolled in technical colleges, undergraduate and postgraduate courses will be able to receive the Aid. Support is granted upon request from the professor/researcher who supervises you. The amount awarded is deducted from the teacher/researcher's annual FAEPEX fee.
  • The minimum processing period to obtain the result of the proposal is no minimum 45 days.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after participating in scientific events, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  • Detailed and critical description of the event and impacts for the beneficiary's research.
  • Certificate of participation and/or presentation of work, if applicable.
  • Publication of the work in the annals or summary notebook, if applicable.
  • Other documents proving participation if there is no certificate of participation and/or presentation: proof of registration, ticket tickets and/or proof of stay in the city of the event.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.
  • In cases of approved changes to the initial budget, present a document authorized by the Dean of Research/FAEPEX.


Research Assistance – Research Items

Intended to complement research projects that received assistance from funding agencies external to Unicamp. The aid covers expenses with consumable materials, permanent materials (except furniture), third-party services and equipment installations.

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Research Assistance.
  •  Detailed research project.
  • Schedule.
  • Approval opinions of the ethical and legal aspects of the research (CEP, CEP-CHS, CEUA, Genetic Heritage, CIBio), if necessary;
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.
  • In case of student participation in Field Research or Data Collection, attach an updated Curricular Summary and Analytical School Record.
  • Clarifications about the complementary nature of the request (see About the Complementary Character of FAEPEX Support), or justification for not requesting assistance, with the same purpose, from other funding bodies.
  • Grant Term of the corresponding project when FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES projects, among others, are indicated as counterpart.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after completion of the project, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  The Research Assistance Technical Report must contain a complete description of the research activities carried out and include the respective academic-scientific productions over the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.
  • In cases of approved changes to the initial budget, present a document authorized by the Dean of Research/FAEPEX.
  • The minimum processing period to obtain the result of the proposal is no minimum 45 days.


Research Assistance – Fieldwork and Technical Visits

Intended to complement research projects that received assistance from funding agencies external to Unicamp. The aid covers expenses with activities related to field work and technical visits.

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Research Assistance.
  • Detailed research project.
  • Schedule.
  • Detailed activity plan and invitation letter(s), if applicable.
  • Opinions approving the ethical and legal aspects of the research (CEP, CEP-CHS, CEUA, Genetic Heritage, CIBio), if necessary.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.
  • Updated Curriculum Summary and Analytical School History, in the case of student participation.
  • Clarifications about the complementary nature of the request (see About the Complementary Character of FAEPEX Support), or justification for not requesting assistance, with the same purpose, from other funding bodies.
  • Grant Term of the corresponding project when FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES projects, among others, are indicated as counterpart

Postgraduate students

Internship or long-term travel abroad requests for postgraduate students.

For analysis, the request for Aid for Long-Term Internships Abroad must be supported by all formal aspects, and the following documents must be sent when submitting the aid:

  • Statement from the supervisor, with the consent of the Postgraduate Coordinator, regarding compliance with the requirements for leave.
  • Guarantee of provision of health insurance and repatriation and issues associated with the foreign visa for the intended purpose.
  • Details of the cost of accommodation.


  • The minimum processing period to obtain the result of the proposal is no minimum 45 days.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after returning from field trips and/or technical visits, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  Description of activities carried out during the period, in the case of data collection trips, field trips and technical visits.
  • The Research Aid report must contain a complete report of the Activities including the academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.
  • In cases of approved changes to the initial budget, present a document authorized by the Dean of Research/FAEPEX.


Publication Assistance

Intended to cover the publication fee for articles from research projects that received assistance from funding agencies external to Unicamp.

To receive assistance, the following conditions must be met:

  • The applicant must be a corresponding author from Unicamp and/or advisor of the corresponding author.
  • The journal must be classified A1, A2, A3, A4 according to the most recent Qualis Periódicos CAPES and/or index above 1,0 in SJR (Scimago/Scopus) and/or JCR (Web of Science).
  • The journal must be indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
  • Other than in journals whose editors Unicamp already has transformative agreements signed for the payment of APCs (Taylor and Francis and Microbiology Society).

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Research Assistance.
  • Research project.
  • Information about the journal: impact indexes, databases of which it is part, Qualis/CAPES classification and importance for the research area.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.
  • Curriculum summary and updated academic transcripts of students, when applicable.
  • Clarifications on the complementary nature of the request (see About the Complementary Character of FAEPEX Support).
  • In case of presenting FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES projects, among others, as a counterpart, it will be necessary to insert a copy of the Grant Term of the corresponding project.
  • Copy of the letter of acceptance for publication of the article.
  • Copy of the first page of the accepted article with information about the authors, title and abstract.
  • Corresponding invoice or INVOICE for the costs of publishing the article.


Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the teacher within 30 days after publication, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  Published article.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.


Bridge allowance

Granted to students regularly enrolled in postgraduate programs at Unicamp, who are in the final phase of writing their dissertation/thesis, without a current scholarship and without any employment relationship, with an already established perspective of defending their thesis.

The successful student can receive up to three months of a master's or doctorate scholarship, paid in a single installment.

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Auxílio-Ponte.
  •  Letter signed by the Unit's Postgraduate Coordination with information about the date of the probable defense, scholarships received and the end of the last scholarship.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.
  • Curriculum Summary and Analytical Academic History of the student with CR updated.
  • Dissertation/thesis file ready so far.
  • Declaration from the student attesting that they do not currently benefit from a scholarship and that they do not have an employment relationship of any nature.


  • Bridging Aid requests must be completed and sent to FAEPEX at least 90 days in advance of the likely defense date (to cover 3 months of scholarship).
  • The applicant must be the supervisor.
  • FAEPEX scholarships are awarded on a full-time research basis, with the scholarship holder being prevented from professionally exercising any other activity, paid or not, that is not related to the execution of the approved research project, and/or being a managing partner or participating in of private company management.
  • The approved amount, intended for a master's and/or doctorate scholarship, will not be debited from the supervisor's annual quota.
  • Each teacher/researcher is limited to two Bridge Grant grants per year.
  • The values ​​of the scholarships must be consulted in the Table of Values.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after defending the thesis/dissertation. via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  Minutes of defense of the thesis/dissertation.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.


Early Career Assistance

The Career Start Aid aims to improve the initial working conditions of newly hired teachers/researchers, allowing them to begin the autonomous development of their research projects.

The amount granted may be used for the acquisition of permanent material, consumables, short-term specialized third-party services, per diems, tickets, registration for congresses, transportation expenses and equipment repair.

Necessary documents:

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Early Career Assistance.
  •  Individual Research Project submitted to a funding agency.
  • Protocol for forwarding/receiving the project by the development agency.
  • Copy of the completed form for the development agency, with a statement of proposal values. In the case of FAPESP projects, proof must be provided that the proposal has been “approved”.
  • Opinions approving the ethical and legal aspects of the research (CEP, CEP-CHS, CEUA, Genetic Heritage, CIBio), if necessary.
  • Data Management Plan.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.


  •  To be qualified to submit the proposal to FAEPEX, the applicant must prove that they submitted, during the first year as a professor/researcher-PQ at Unicamp, an Individual Research Assistance Project to a funding agency.
  • The value of the Early Career Aid must be, at most, 1/3 of the amount requested in the project sent to agencies (excluding scholarships), limited to the ceiling defined in the Table of Values. All proposals will be evaluated for merit by FAEPEX.
  • Early Career Assistance can be requested once. No additional resources will be granted to approved proposals.
  • In the Early Career Grant, the amounts allocated to participation in events cannot exceed the maximum value in force for the Scientific Event Participation Aid modality defined in the Table of Fees.
  • The contemplated teacher/researcher will be unable to request resources in the FAEPEX Research Line for 12 months from the date of approval of the Early Career Grant.
  • The sum of support received throughout the year and the total budget for Early Career Aid cannot exceed the limit value defined in the Table of Values.
  • The teacher/researcher receiving the Early Career Grant who has an Individual Research Project approved by a funding agency will have guaranteed resources to cover the costs of a Scientific Initiation student for a period of 12 months.
  • If the teacher/researcher is accredited in a postgraduate program at Unicamp, they will also have guaranteed resources to cover the costs of a master's student for a period of 12 months, renewable for the same period . Students may be changed at any time, without, however, changing the maximum deadlines for the scholarships.
  • For IC and Master's scholarships to be granted, the researcher holding the Early Career Grant must be the respective advisor.
  • The minimum processing period to obtain the result of the proposal is at least 45 days.

Technical report

The Early Career Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after completion of the project, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  Complete report of activities including academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.
  • In cases of approved changes to the initial budget, present a document authorized by the Dean of Research/FAEPEX.


Reintegration Aid

Support teachers and researchers who have been on leave from the University for a period equal to or greater than 6 months (uninterrupted), due to maternity leave or health treatment, and whose research activities have been hampered by the absence. The applicant must demonstrate that they submitted the same proposal to a development agency.

In the case of maternity leave, the request for Reintegration Aid must be made within 18 months from the date of birth of the child or adoption.

In the case of leave for health reasons, a request for Reinstatement Assistance must be made within 12 months from the date of end of the leave.

Necessary Documents

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system for request in the Research Line: Early Career Assistance.
  • Individual Research Project submitted to a funding agency.
  • Project submission/receipt protocol by the development agency.
  • Copy of the completed form for the development agency, with a statement of proposal values. In the case of FAPESP projects, proof must be provided that the proposal has been “approved”.
  • Application plan for the requested resources, detailed and justified.
  • Request letter justifying the request for support and demonstrating the damage to research activities resulting from the removal.
  • Opinions approving the ethical and legal aspects of the research (CEP, CEP-CHS, CEUA, Genetic Heritage, CIBio), if necessary.
  • Data Management Plan.
  • Curriculum summary of the applicant according to the FAPESP model.


  • The validity of approved projects must be 12 months, counting from the signing of the Grant Agreement.
  • To be eligible for the program, the applicant must prove the submission of an Individual Research Assistance Project to a funding agency.
  • The value of the Reintegration Aid must be, at most, 1/3 of the amount requested in the project sent to agencies (excluding exchanges), limited to the ceiling defined in the Table of Values. All proposals will be evaluated for merit by FAEPEX.
  • Early Career Assistance can be requested once. No additional resources will be granted to approved proposals.
  • Any resources granted in the Research Line in the same current year will be deducted from the value of the Reintegration Aid.
  • The sum of support received throughout the year and the total Aid budget cannot exceed the limit value defined in the Table of Values.
  • The awarded teacher/researcher will be unable to request resources in the FAEPEX Research Line for 12 months from the date of approval of the Grant.
  • In Reintegration Aid, the amounts allocated to participation in events cannot exceed the current maximum value of the Scientific Event Participation Aid modality defined in the Table of Values.
  • The minimum processing period to obtain the result of the proposal is at least 45 days.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent by the applicant within 30 days after completion of the project, via FAEPEX system.

Necessary documents:

  •  Complete report of activities including academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.
  • In cases of approved changes to the initial budget, present a document authorized by the Dean of Research/FAEPEX.