- Every request must prove its complementary nature, otherwise it will be rejected or returned until proven. See the complementarity clarification item in the topic Introduction.
- FAEPEX only finances the purchase of desktop or laptop computers in the BEGINNING OF CAREER AID modality or in exceptional cases that require justification.
- FAEPEX does not finance “coffee breaks”, cocktails, get-togethers or the like. Meals may be financed as long as they are proven by invoices, according to FUNCAMP's accountability rules.
- FAEPEX does not fund cash prizes.
- FAEPEX does not provide support for payment of pro-labore.
- When describing budgets for air or land tickets, the following must always be specified for each trip: (a) the name of the beneficiary; (b) the section covered; (c) the value of the ticket(s).
- When describing budgets for accommodation, food, etc., the period covered and the beneficiary must be clearly specified.
- FAEPEX does not grant assistance for travel to conferences to participate as a listener, without in-person presentation of work, lecture or other organizational function.
- FAEPEX rejects requests for travel assistance without at least 45 days prior to the start of the event. The proof of acceptance of the works by the event can be sent after this deadline. FAEPEX does not guarantee funding if the trip takes place before the application is judged and approved.
- Upon receiving aid, the applicant will sign a grant agreement where, among others, he or she will undertake to provide an opinion as an advisor to FAEPEX, when requested.
- Each proposal must be forwarded by a professor/researcher from Unicamp, who is non-transferably responsible for receiving the resources, reporting to FUNCAMP and forwarding the final report to FAEPEX.
- The applicant will have up to 15 days, counting from the date of information sent by FAEPEX regarding the approval or denial of aid, to submit requests for reconsideration of response via FAEPEX system. In cases of approved but insufficient value review, the applicant, with quota still available, must present a justified request for value reconsideration before signing the Grant Agreement.
- Applicants receiving FAEPEX resources will have 30 days to sign the Grant Agreement from the date of the aid approval information.
- FAEPEX does not finance services provided by individuals, only legal entities. Third-party services should be discriminated against as much as possible.
- Are entitled to request FAEPEX aid as per Resolution CONSU-A-024/2003: active professors with an employment relationship with Unicamp; PQ Career members; volunteer professors and researchers.
- Faculty of Medical Sciences should consult FCM Specific Norms.