
FAEPEX scholarships are awarded on a full-time research basis, with the scholarship holder being prevented from professionally exercising any other activity, paid or not, that is not related to the execution of the approved research project, and/or being a managing partner or participating in of private company management.

The FAEPEX scholarship may not be combined with scholarships from other programs of any national, foreign or international agencies that promote education and research or similar programs (examples: FAPESP, CAPES, Bolsa PAD, Bolsa PED and PIBIC Unicamp). Only scholarships that have a social nature (assistance, maintenance or permanence objectives) and paid internships may be received simultaneously with the FAEPEX scholarship (examples: BAS, BAT, SAE/Unicamp).

Scientific Initiation Scholarships – Early Career Assistance

The teacher/researcher receiving the Early Career Grant who has an Individual Research Project approved by a funding agency will have guaranteed resources to cover the costs of a Scientific Initiation student for a period of 12 months.

Necessary documents:

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system to apply for a Scientific Initiation scholarship.
  •  Aid Grant Term approved by the Development Agency.
  • Letter from the Advisor to the Dean of Research requesting a scholarship for the student.
  • Project title.
  • Summary/schedule of research activities of up to 15 lines, answering:
    • What is the objective of the research?
    • What will be searched?
    • What results are expected from the research?

Student documents:

  • Analytical academic transcript updated with CR.
  • Copy of CPF.
  • E-mail
  • Declaration by the scholarship holder stating that he/she does not receive any other remuneration or grant, except for social assistance grants and paid internships, whether mandatory or not, upon presentation of Joint Statement, as long as the student has
    availability of time to fulfill all the requirements and commitments set out in this notice in addition to undergraduate activities.


  • Only students regularly enrolled at Unicamp will be able to receive the scholarship.
  • It is highly recommended that students awarded an IC scholarship participate in the PIBIC Congress.

Technical report

The Technical Report must be sent within 30 days after the scholarship is completed.

Necessary documents:

  •  Report in template PIBIC.
  • Complete report of activities including academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.

Master’s Scholarships – Early Career Assistance

The teacher/researcher receiving the Early Career Grant who has an Individual Research Project approved by a funding agency and who is accredited in a Unicamp postgraduate program will have guaranteed resources to funding for a master's student for a period of 12 months, renewable for the same period. Students may be changed at any time, without, however, changing the maximum deadlines for the scholarships.

Necessary documents:

  • Form duly filled in FAEPEX system to apply for a Scientific Initiation scholarship.
  •  Aid Grant Term approved by the Development Agency.
  • Letter from the Advisor to the Dean of Research requesting a scholarship for the student.
  • Title of the master's project and work plan.
  • Summary/schedule of research activities of up to 15 lines, answering:
    • What is the objective of the research?
    • What will be searched?
    • What results are expected from the research?

Student documents:

  •  Analytical academic transcript updated with CR.
  • Certificate of postgraduate enrollment (Unicamp master's degree) or copy of the student's postgraduate registration form.
  • Curriculum summary of the student according to the FAPESP model.
  • Copy of CPF.
  • E-mail.
  • Declaration by the scholarship holder stating that he/she does not receive any other remuneration or grant, except for social assistance grants and paid internships.


  • Only students regularly enrolled at Unicamp will be able to receive the scholarship.
  • The master's scholarship is awarded for a period of 12 months, and can be renewed once for a further 12 months upon presentation of the partial report (see Technical Reports) and renewal letter drawn up by the supervisor.
  • The master's scholarship holder must submit two scientific reports (see Technical Reports), within the deadlines determined by FAEPEX.
  • After the maximum term of the master's scholarship has expired (24 months), proof of the dissertation defense must be presented.

Technical report

The first scholarship monitoring and renewal report must be submitted after the 12th month of the scholarship's validity.

Necessary documents:

  • Partial report in accordance with the project schedule presented to FAEPEX.
  • Complete report of activities including academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.

The second report must be sent at the end of the 24th month of scholarship.

Necessary documents:

  • Copy of the Dissertation Defense Minutes.
  • Copy of the dissertation page mentioning support from FAEPEX.
  • Complete report of activities including academic-scientific productions obtained in the last 12 months.
  • Copy of the financial movement of resources, issued by Funcamp, containing a complete description of the expenses incurred.