The Ad hoc advisor analyzes requests for assistance and issues objective and consistent opinions to support the Area Committee's decisions on granting the requested assistance. The ad hoc advisor will have a period of 15 days to issue the opinion.
The ad hoc advisors are active researchers in their respective areas of specialization, and will receive support requests for the evaluation of the following points:
- Complementarity in accordance with FAEPEX counterpart rules in line with Deliberation CONSU-A-24-30/09/2003.
- Adherence to the proposal regarding the type of modality.
- Project qualification, feasibility and expected impact on the development of the area of knowledge in which it operates.
- CV and academic production of the applicant(s).
Care and duties of advisors:
- Every teacher/researcher who receives support from FAEPEX must issue opinions when indicated.
- The advisor undertakes to maintain reciprocal confidentiality. Just as the Fund keeps the advisor's identity strictly confidential, the advisor also undertakes never to reveal his or her role in the processes he or she analyzes.
- The advisor undertakes to verify possible conflicts of interest to preserve the credibility of their analysis procedures and avoid embarrassment. The most frequent situations are:
- The current or previous participation in the project under analysis.
- Regular collaboration, in research activities or publications, with one of the requesting researchers.
- Family relationship with any of the bidders.
- Guidance relationship, as advisor or supervisee of the applicant.
Non-fundable items:
- FAEPEX does not finance “coffee breaks”, cocktails, get-togethers or the like, cash prizes, gifts, payment of pro-labore. In some modalities (e.g. Extension Line, Events) meals may be financed as long as they are proven by invoices, in accordance with FUNCAMP's accountability rules.
- Always check the manual for rules on financeable items according to the type of request.
Technical Advisory Forms