Antônio José de Almeida Meirelles (President) | Dean | |
Ana Maria Frattini Fileti (Substitute President) | PRP | |
Raquel Meneguello | PRPG | |
Ivan Felizardo Contrera Toro | PRG | |
Fernando Antonio Santos Coelho | PROEEC | |
PRP Teaching Advisory | |
Angela Christina Lucas | |
Angela Maria Moraes | |
Caio Costa Oliveira | |
Representatives of Teaching, Research and Extension Units
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)
Each | Name | |
FCA | Diego Jair Vincentin | |
FCF | Marcelo Lancellotti | |
FCM | Renato Simoes Gaspar | |
FE | Nora Rut Krawczyk | |
FEA | Gabriela Alves Macedo | |
FEAGRI | Cinthya Bertoldo Pedroso | |
FECFAU | Philippe Remy Bernard Devloo | |
FEEC | Paulo Cardieri | |
ETF | Bruno Rodrigues | |
FEM | José Maria Campos dos Santos | |
FEnf | Daniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves | |
QEF | Leonardo Vasconcelos Fregolente | |
FOP | Camila Batista da Silva | |
FT | Victor Rafael Colucci | |
IA | Larissa de Oliveira Neves Catalão | |
IB | Gustavo Quevedo Romero | |
IC | Lehilton Lelis Chaves Pedrosa | |
IE | José Dari Krein | |
IEL | Caio César Costa Ribeiro Mira | |
IFCH | Everton Emanuel Campos Lima | |
IFGW | José Antonio Brum | |
IG | Lindon Fonseca Matias | |
IMECC | Benilton | |
IQ | Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda | |
Representative of Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Nuclei
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)
Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel | IA |
Representative of Technical Colleges
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)
COTYL | Carolina Scherrer Malaman | |
COTUCA | Jodir Pereira da Silva | |
Student Representatives
(term of office: October to December 2024)
Undergrad | Wesley Hjalmar Lindquist | |
Graduation | Marcelo Felipe da Silva Estácio de Santana | |