Guidance Council

Antônio José de Almeida Meirelles (President)Dean
Ana Maria Frattini Fileti (Substitute President)PRP
Raquel MeneguelloPRPG
Ivan Felizardo Contrera ToroPRG
Fernando Antonio Santos CoelhoPROEEC
PRP Teaching Advisory
Angela Christina Lucas
Angela Maria Moraes
Caio Costa Oliveira

Representatives of Teaching, Research and Extension Units
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)

FCADiego Jair Vincentin
FCFMarcelo Lancellotti
FCMRenato Simoes Gaspar
FENora Rut Krawczyk
FEA Gabriela Alves Macedo
FEAGRICinthya Bertoldo Pedroso
FECFAUPhilippe Remy Bernard Devloo
FEECPaulo Cardieri
ETFBruno Rodrigues
FEMJosé Maria Campos dos Santos
FEnfDaniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves
QEFLeonardo Vasconcelos Fregolente
FOPCamila Batista da Silva
FTVictor Rafael Colucci
IALarissa de Oliveira Neves Catalão
IBGustavo Quevedo Romero
ICLehilton Lelis Chaves Pedrosa
IE José Dari Krein
IELCaio César Costa Ribeiro Mira
IFCH Everton Emanuel Campos Lima
IFGWJosé Antonio Brum
IGLindon Fonseca Matias
IQMarco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda

Representative of Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Nuclei
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)

Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim MacielIA

Representative of Technical Colleges
(term of office: October 2024 to October 2026)

COTYLCarolina Scherrer Malaman
COTUCAJodir Pereira da Silva

Student Representatives
(term of office: October to December 2024)

UndergradWesley Hjalmar Lindquist
GraduationMarcelo Felipe da Silva Estácio de Santana