executive comission

The Executive Commission of the FAEPEX Guidance Council is responsible for deciding on the approval of projects submitted to the Fund and will be assisted by professors and researchers from other institutions or the University itself in analyzing the merits of the projects submitted to it, and the Commission is also responsible for establishment of the duration of financing, according to the nature and characteristics of each project or activity financed.

The meetings of the Executive Committee, which take place monthly throughout the year, are suspended between December 15th and January 31st, with requests and decision-making processes not being processed during this period. Therefore, when it is in the applicant's interest that the processing and final evaluation of the application be made before the end of the current fiscal year, the application must be submitted to FAEPEX by the end of October.

Composition of the Executive Committee of FAEPEX

Ana Maria Frattini FiletiPRP
PRP Teaching Advisory
Angela Christina Lucas
Angela Maria Moraes
Caio Costa Oliveira
Fernando Antonio Santos CoelhoPROEEC
Ivan Felizardo Contrera ToroPRG
Raquel MeneguelloPRPG
Biomedical Area
Daniela Fernanda dos Santos AlvesFEnf
Gustavo Quevedo RomeroIB
Area of ​​Exact Sciences
Jose Antonio BrumIFGW
Marco Aurélio Zezzi ArrudaIQ
Humanities and Arts Area
Diego Jair VincentinFCA
Caio César Costa Ribeiro MiraIEL
Technological Area
Cinthya Bertoldo PedrosoFEAGRI
Leonardo Vasconcelos FregolenteQEF
Interdisciplinary Area
Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim MacielIA
José Dari KreinIE
Lindon Fonseca MatiasIG
Victor Rafael ColucciFT