The Research Ethics Committee – CEP is currently composed of rapporteurs with multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary training and two secretaries. The Committee analyzes research protocols that directly and indirectly involve human beings from the most diverse areas of Unicamp's knowledge of the fields of Campinas and Limeira, with the mission “Safeguard the rights and dignity of research participants”.
The CEP was created in March 1997 at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). Due to its institutional character and due to the exponential growth of projects at the University to be analyzed under the different approaches and characteristics of each area of knowledge and their respective resolutions, which regulate research involving human beings, there was the migration and structuring of the Ethics in Research of the FCM for the Ethics Committee in Research Involving Human Beings of Unicamp, linked to the Dean of Research, established by Ordinance PRP nº 009/2014 in November 2014 and duly accredited by the National Research Ethics Commission - CEP, in accordance with the Resolution 466/2012/CNS/MS.