CEP-CHS/Unicamp's mission is to apply protection mechanisms to research participants, research teams and the State University of Campinas based on the preponderant ethical appreciation of research protocols with methodologies specific to the Humanities and Social Sciences.
From the approval of the CNS Resolution No. 510 of 2016, since 2017, the Ethics Committee for Research in Human and Social Sciences at the State University of Campinas (CEP-CHS/Unicamp) has had its operating record approved by the National Commission for Ethics in Research (Conep).
Thus, Unicamp has three ethics committees for research involving human beings and/or identifiable data:
- I. CEP 5404, headquartered at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM);
- II. CEP 5418, headquartered at the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba (FOP);
- III. CEP-CHS 8142, headquartered at the Faculty of Education (FE).
After approval of CEP-CHS/Unicamp's operating registration by Conep, the operation took place on the premises of FCM. However, its activities did not start independently in the first half of 2017. Initially, research with methodologies specific to Human and Social Sciences was still appreciated by the CEP 5404 CHS subcommittee, without independent meetings.
Since March 2018 CEP-CHS/Unicamp has been headquartered at the Faculty of Education (FE) of Unicamp, with opening hours from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:13 pm and from 30:17 pm to 30:11 pm. However, opening hours are in the afternoon. CEP-CHS/Unicamp has an administrative employee, and holds XNUMX (eleven) ordinary meetings annually.
Externally, CEP-CHS/Unicamp is linked to Conep and internally to the Pro-Rectory of Research (PRP) of Unicamp. Although headquartered in the FE, in accordance with Operational Norm 001 of 2013 (BRASIL, 2013), it has autonomy, that is, there is no subordination to the FE.
History available in the text REFLECTIONS ON THE EXPERIENCE OF PARTICIPATION IN THE ORIGINS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ETHICS IN RESEARCH IN THE HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES OF THE UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS authored by Prof. Dr. Sandra Fernandes Leite. Available from page 111 in the e-book “Ethics and Research in Education: Subsidies” of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd) of 2021: