Good Practices and Compliance in Research

UNICAMP is a public institution linked to the Government of the State of São Paulo, constituted as a state autonomous entity with a special regime, enjoying didactic-scientific, administrative and financial and asset management autonomy, obeying the principle of inseparability between teaching, research and extension .

As an entity of the indirect public administration, it is subject to the accounting, financial, budgetary, operational and property inspection of the Court of Auditors of the State of São Paulo and subject to the set of all current legislation, in particular, the anti-corruption and access rules the information.

The set of provisions listed below reaffirm UNICAMP's commitment to constitutional principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency.

Sao Paulo's State Government

Public Administration Code of Ethics
Establishes precepts based on the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency, under the terms of article 37, “caput”, of the Constitution of the Republic.

State Comptroller General's Office Handbook on Preventing and Combating Moral Harassment
Its objective is to guide and prevent moral harassment in the public service, contributing to a healthier and safer work environment.


Research Integrity Committee (CIP)
executive body of UNICAMP's Institutional Policy on Good Practices and Integrity in Research, instituted with the purpose of promoting a culture of ethical integrity in research through educational, dissemination and guidance actions accessible to all researchers, in compliance with the international principles of reception and investigation of reports of misconduct and scientific malpractice.

Information CIP 001/2023
Describes how UNICAMP meets the provisions of Chapter 5 of the FAPESP Code of Good Scientific Practices

Research Ethics
Biological and Exact, Human and Social e Use of Animals.

Research Data Management Committee (CGDP)
Responsible for promoting UNICAMP's institutional research data policy by managing the UNICAMP Research Data Repository (REDU), official tool for storing digital content in the form of software, raw research data, audio and video recordings, questionnaires, computational codes, photographs and images, spreadsheets, among others.

Data Protection Privacy Management Committee
It promotes actions for compliance with the General Data Protection Law and is responsible for implementing the UNICAMP Privacy Policy.

Unicamp Integrity Program
Initiative integrated into the State Plan for Promoting Integrity and the Anti-Corruption Radar Program, which aim to combat corruption and other irregularities in the state public administration.

Transparency Portal
It provides institutional information with the aim of being a support tool for Social Control, allowing citizens to know, monitor and act effectively in monitoring public resources.

Executive Board of Human Rights (DeDH)
Its purpose is to promote respect for the dignity of life as a fundamental value for the achievement of the University's objectives and to ensure that it implements actions that value tolerance, citizenship and inclusion, ensuring diversity, plurality and equity among its members. .

fun camp

Code of ethics
Reinforce the UNICAMP Development Foundation's commitment to its ethical and moral values ​​and the principles that guide the conduct of its activities, in line with its mission of acting with excellence and innovation.

Compliance Policy
Defines standards of conduct that must be followed to spread the culture of compliance and transparency throughout Funcamp's hierarchical levels, reaffirming its commitment to ethics and integrity in the development of its activities


Good Scientific Practices
It reinforces, together with the São Paulo scientific community, a solid and well-rooted culture of ethical integrity in research through a set of strategies based on three interdependent pillars: 1) education; 2) prevention; 3) fair and rigorous investigation and sanction.

Good Practices Magazine
Publications related to good scientific practices and research integrity


Finep Code of Ethics, Conduct and Integrity

Result of an effort that involved directors and employees, the document deals, with transparency, with the behavior that should guide the action of the company's staff and of all providers, partners and customers that maintain relations with Finep.


CNPq integrity program

Structured set of institutional measures for the prevention, detection, punishment and remediation of corrupt and fraudulent practices, irregularities and other ethical deviations and conduct.